PolcompballValues (legacy)

What is PolcompballValues?

PolcompballValues is a quiz aimed at members of the Polcompball community, in particular the discord server, that attempts to assign percentages for twenty-two different values. You will be presented by a statement, and then you will answer with your opinion on the statement, from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree, with each answer slightly affecting your scores. At the end of the quiz, your answers will be compared to the maximum possible for each value, thus giving you a percentage. Answer honestly!

There are questions in the full version of the test and questions in the short version .

What are the twenty-two values?

There are eleven independent axes - Seriousposting, Allegiance, Server, Personality, Hornyposting, Fame, Shower, Sanity, Relationship, Fedposting and Actions - and each has two opposing values assigned to them. They are:

Irony (Seriousposting)
This value represents users who primarly rely on irony in their conversations

Sincerity (Seriousposting)
This value represents users who tend to be sincere in their conversations

Jannyphile (Allegiance)
This value represents users who feel positively towards the moderation team

Jannyphobe (Allegiance)
This value represents users who feel negatively towards the moderation team

Serious (Server)
This value represents users who primarily engage in serious conversations

Casual (Server)
This value represents users who primarily display casual behaviour

Edgy (Personality)
This value represents users who have an edgy personality

Wholesome (Personality)
This value represents users who have a wholesome personality

Antihorny (Hornyposting)
This value represents users who oppose hornyness in the server

Horny (Hornyposting)
This value represents users who support hornyness in the server

Lurker (Fame)
This value represents users who don't regualrly interact with the server

Active (Fame)
This value represents users who regularly interact with the server

Wacky (Shower)
This value represents users who have a whacky personality

Standard (Shower)
This value represents users who have a standard personality

Schizo (Sanity)
This value represents users who behave schizophrenically

Boring (Sanity)
This value represents users who behave boringly

Disliked (Relationship)
This value represents users who are disliked by the community

Liked (Relationship)
This value represents users who are liked by the community

Discriminatory (Fedposting)
This value represents users who engage in discriminatory behaviour

Inclusive (Fedposting)
This value represents users who tend to focus on Inclusive behaviour

Misbehaving (Actions)
This value represents users who misbehave regualrly

Behaving (Actions)
This value represents users who behave well

What's the "Closest Match" mean at the bottom of the results?

In addition to matching you to the twenty-two values, the quiz also attempts to match you to the closest user in the database. This is a work in progress and is much less accurate than the values and axes, so don't take it too seriously. If you disagree with your assigned user we'll look into adjusting the system.

I don't like my scores!

If you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub page here: GitHub Page